APS(Aravali Public School) is affiliated with CBSE, New Delhi, and RBSE, Rajasthan. It offers schooling with the strength of nearly 1200 students and 45 faculty in their school. It is an English Medium School from classes Nursery to 12th. APS control and support of the AIER Society Neemkathana. Aravali Public School was established in 2004. It is situated in Neem ka thana Town, Sikar Rajasthan. They offer day cum boarding schooling to its students. They offer all the basic facilities that other schools are offering to their students.
Mrs. Sunita Rohilan is the principal of Aravali Public School in Sikar.
Yes, APS is a day cum boarding school in Sikar.
Yes, APS is a co-educational school in Sikar, Rajasthan.
Contact their school management team to know more about their admission procedure.
APS school is an English Medium School in Sikar.
Please read reviews/ratings that parents/students left for APS School in Sikar.
Yes, APS school is affiliated to both, RBSE and CBSE.
APS School in Sikar also offer transport facilities to its students.
No, they don't have swimming pool in their school.