Chitrakoot Public School is a CBSE affiliated school that supports co-educational system. They use English as a Instruction language. They offer education to its students from nursery to class 12th. It is located at Nh-11, Sujawas Road, Sikar, Rajasthan. They have a school with transport facility, sports facility, labs, laboratories, classrooms, lush green sprawling campus with aesthetic environment, library for their students.
Chitrakoot Public School, Sikar school use English as an Instruction language to teach their students. However, some school offer programs in multiple language, please contact school management for more details.
They offer all basic facilities that other schools are offering to its students such as classrooms, labs, laboratories, playground, library, more.
Yes, Chitrakoot Public School Goriyan Sikar is a residential school.
Yes, Chitrakoot Public School Goriyan Sikar is a co-educational school.
No, Chitrakoot Public School Goriyan Sikar is affiliated to CBSE school only.
No, it is some miles away from Sikar, this school is located in Goriyan village.
Check the ratings/reviews that parents/students of Sikar left for this school.
Yes, they offer swimming pool facility to its students.
Contact their school management to about the procedure of admission into Chitrakoot Public School Goriyan Sikar. Use the information that we have shred on this page.
Yes, this school offer transport facility to its students.