Gyan Bharti International School, Sikar was established in 2010. This school is affiliated with CBSE and supports a co-educational system. This school is English Medium Secondary School from Nursery to 10th. Gyan Bharti Shiksha Samiti manages this school. Gyan Bharti International School in Sikar offer sports facility to its students.
This school was founded in 2010.
They offer all basic things that the other average schools do offer to their students such as computer labs, Science laboratory, playground, classrooms, sports equipment's, and more.
No, It is not a residential school.
Yes, Gyan Bharati International school is a co-educational school.
Just get in touch with them using the details we have shared on this page, you can call or even mail or text them on the given details. You can get more details about admission or school by even directly visit Gyan Bharati International School-Rukansar Sikar . Also, while visiting please keep in mind that you go during working hours, read our given information to know the working hours of this school.
Gyan Bharati International School is an English Medium School.
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No, They don't have swimming pool in their school.
No, This school is affiliated to CBSE only.
No, Gyan Bharati International School doesn't provide transport facility to its students.