Mahala Residential Public School is an English medium, coeducational school. This school is affiliated to CBSE and offer education to students from nursery to 12th class. They offer all basic facilities that other schools in Sikar are offering to its students. They have a good team of teachers, nice classrooms, labs, laboratories, playground, and more to offer their students. This school comes on the list of the best average school in Sikar.

Q Who is the Chairman of Mahala Residential Public School in Sikar?

Bhagirath Singh Mahala is the chairman of Mahala Residential Public School in Sikar.

Q Does this school also have hostel facility?

Yes, it is a residential school in Sikar. It means they offer accommodation to its students.

Q Does Mahala Residential Public school have a swimming pool?

No, they don't have a swimming pool in their school campus.

Q Are there smart classes in Mahala Residential Public School's classrooms?

No, they don't have smart classes in their classrooms.

Q How can I get more details for admission in Mahala Residential Public School in Sikar?

Contact their school management team to know more about the admission details in Mahala Residential Public School in Sikar. We have shared their contact number on this page, we request you to call, text on the given number or you can also walk-in to their official address(that we have given on this page) during their working hours.

Q Is Mahala Residential Public School Hindi medium?

Mahala Residential Public School is an English-Medium school.

Q Do parents/students of Sikar like Mahala Residential Public school?

Please check parents/students ratings/reviews on this page.

Q Is this school a co-educational school?

Yes, Mahala Residential Public School is a co-educational school in Sikar.

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