M.K Memorial Senior Secondary School offer education to students from class nursery to class 12th. This school is affiliated to RBSE and CBSE, both. It is an English-Medium co-educational school. They have good teachers, playground, sports facilities, library, and more to offer to its students. This school is located in Piprali road, Sikar Rajasthan. They have teachers for both boards RBSE and CBSE students. M.K Memorial Senior Secondary school always has defence academy in Sikar.
Sangeeta Sharma is the principal of M.K Memorial Senior Secondary School in Sikar.
M.K Memorial Sr. Sec. School offer all basic facilities that other schools are offering to its students in Sikar, Rajasthan.
No, M.K Memorial Senior Secondary School is not a residential school. They offer day schooling to its students.
Yes, it is a co-educational school in Sikar.
If you want to know the procedure of admission into M.K Memorial Senior Secondary school, contact their school management team.
M.K Memorial Senior Secondary School uses English and Hindi both languages as an Instruction language to teach its students.
Please read reviews and ratings that users left for this school.
No, they don't have swimming pool in their school.
Yes, this school is affiliated to CBSE and RBSE, both.
No, they don't have transport facility in their school.