Modi Inst. of Educational Research is affiliated from CBSE, it is a good Co-educational CBSE school in Sikar. They provide English-medium education to its students from primary classes to senior secondary classes. The school have good infrastructure, library, labs, science laboratories, and well-qualified teachers team.

Q Who is the Principal of Modi Inst. of Educational Research in Sikar?

Meeta Sharma is the Principal of Modi Inst. of Educational Research in Sikar.

Q What facilities do they provide for their students?

Modi Inst. of Educational Research-Sikar offers English-Medium education system to its students, apart from this, they also offer all basic things that the other average schools do offer to their students such as computer labs, Science laboratory, playground, classrooms, sports equipment's, and more.

Q Does Modi Inst. of Educational Research school have a swimming pool?

No, they don't have swimming pool in their school.

Q Are there smart classes in Modi Inst. of Educational Research School's classrooms?

No, there are no smart classes facility in their school classroom's.

Q How can I get more details for admission in Modi Inst. of Educational Research in Sikar?

Just contact them using the details shared by us on this page, you can also call or mail or text them on the given details. You can also find out more about admission or school by directly visiting Modi Inst. of Educational Research in Sikar. Also when visiting please keep in mind that you go during working hours, read our information to know the working hours of this school.

Q Is Modi Inst. of Educational is Hindi medium?

They offer English-Medium Education to its students. However, some schools do offer many language's , we request you to contact school management for more details.

Q Is Modi Inst. of Educational Research school affiliated to both RBSE and CBSE?

The Government of India has mandated that a school must be registered and affiliated to at least one education board. Modi Inst. of Educational Research in Sikar is affiliated to CBSE but not to RBSE.

Q Does this school also have hostel facility?

No this school does not have hostel facility.

Q Is transport facility provided in this school?

Yes, transportation facility is provided in this school.

Q Is it high school or secondary?

Modi Inst. of Educational research offer education to Nursery to 12th class. It is senior secondary school.

Q Do this school have canteen?

No, they don't have canteen in their school campus.

Q Do parents/students of Sikar like this school?

Please check ratings and reviews of this school.

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